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Välkommen till systerveckan; lärorika och inspirerande program för systrar

Imam Ali center presenterar för första gången: Systerveckan! Ett alldeles fantastiskt tillfälle för våra kära systrar att delta och dra nytta av lärorika och inspirerande program! I år gästas vi av Alimah Fatemah Meghji från Kanada. Hon har en "BA i English Literature and Religious Studies from the University of British Columbia". Därefter studerade hon Hawza, vilket hon gjorde vid Jamiat al-Zahra i 5 år och avklarade MA-programmet i Qur'anic Tafsir and Qur'anic Sciences.
Nedan finner ni en lista med detaljer och beskrivning av programmen. Missa inte!
Obs! Endast systrar. Alla program hålls på engelska.
Information in English:
Mingle with the Alimah
Come join us for some appetizers, drinks and great company! Meet new friends and get to know our Alimah. At this event there will be an introduction to all of the sisters week programs and a short speech by Alimah Fatima.
When? Saturday 4th of June, 18:00-20:00
Where? Imam Ali center, Musalla
An Islamic Paradigm of Women’s Rights
We are extremely happy to present this 2-day course where we will be exploring different frameworks when it comes to women’s rights and understanding the differences and nuances between feminism, and paradigms of women’s rights in Islam. Register now!
When? 5&6th of June, 18:00-21:00.
Where? Imam Ali center, Musalla
Registration required! Send an email sr@iaic.se with your name to register, deadline 1st of June.
Raising Tayyib Children in a profane world
Join us for a presentation on how to navigate media and unIslamic content with our children to cultivate critical thinking skills with a strong foundation in Islamic ethics. Appropriate for mothers and teachers or any sister who is interested!
When? 9th of June 18:00-20:00.
Where? Imam Ali center, skoldelen, klassrummet.
Milad Banquet
Come and celebrate the birth anniversary of Imam Redha (as) with us! All sisters are invited to join us for an eventful evening with delicious food, poetry, kahoots and an enlightening lecture by sister Fatima.
When? Friday 10th of June, 18:00-21:00,
Where? Persiska salen.
Registration required!
Send an email to sr@iaic.se with your name, and the name of your company (including children). Deadline 5th of June!
Opening our Eyes to the Light of the Qur’an: Guidance in the Qur’an
This small workshop discusses how the Qur’an is a source of guidance for us in the modern age. How can the Qur’an describe itself as a clear light when many of its verses confuse us? Why does the Qur’an claim to put a veil over the hearts of some and yet guide others? What is the nature of the guidance of the Qur’an. To answer this question, we will explore Ayatullah Jawadi Amuli’s topical tafsirs on the Qur’an and guidance.
- Tafsir of Surah Mulk
- Tafsir of Surah Nuh
- Tafsir of Surah Maryam (selected verses)
- Tafsir of Surah Mudatthir
When? 11th of June, 11:00-15:00
We will break for Salat dhuhrein and lunch.
Where? Musalla.
Registration required! Send an email to sr@iaic.se to register.
Last day Picnic
Join us for a fun program outdoors! End the sisters week with a picnic, discussions and Q&A. More information will be provided soon.
When? 12th of June, after Salah dhuhrein.
Publicerad: 2022-05-28