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Typ av skilsmässa inom Islam

Talagh* Raji (reversibel skilsmässa)När skilsmässan har verkställts börjar den så kallade Iddah perioden för hustrun. Under denna period som är tre mensperioder kan paret förenas utan vigsel och skilsmässan annulleras. Denna typ av skilsmässa är den vanligaste och rekommenderas också från Imam Ali Islamic Center. Handläggningstiden för denna typ av skilsmässa är mellan 4 till 6 veckor.

Talagh Ba’in: I motsats till Raji är denna en irreversibel skilsmässa och paret kan inte förenas utan vigsel när skilsmässan har verkställts. Ett krav för att skilsmässan skall kunna verkställas är att kvinnan måste avstå sin rätt till hemgift (mehrieh). Dessutom krävs det mycket starka skäl för att talagh ba’in skall beviljas. Denna typ av skilsmässa är ovanlig. Det tar cirka 7-8 månader för att behandla ärendet.

Talagh Mobarat: I denna typ av skilsmässa är det hustrun som kräver att få skilja sig. För att skilsmässan skall verkställas måste kvinnan lämna tillbaks pengar och egendom som mannen införskaffat under äktenskapet (observera, inte allting utan vissa egendom och pengar). Denna typ av skilsmässa är mycket sällsynt. Det kan ta upp till 8 månader innan skilsmässan verkställs.


* ordet Talagh är ett arabiskt ord som betyder Skilsmässa

Detta är en mycket kortfattad beskrivning av olika typer av skilsmässor inom islam. Det finns även andra typer av skilsmässor vilka inte har nämnts ovan. För ytligare information, vänligen ta kontakt med Imam Ali Islamic Center.




Information in English:


Divorce (Talaq)
 “Talaq” is an Arabic word, within an Islamic context, which means divorce.
Divorce is allowed in Islam, but as an absolute last resort when all the other options are depleted. Islam requires certain measures to be carried out prior, during and after the finalisation of divorce. The needs and grievances of both parties are taken into consideration. The rights of any children is given highest priority. These measures cover both personal as well as Islamic civic jurisprudential aspects. The prophet Mohammed (S.) is reported to have said: “Of all the allowed deeds, divorce is the most hated by God.”
One should bear in mind that all marriages have ups and downs, some of the latter can be very grave. Therefore, as an initial step when facing serious difficulties in relationships, is for the couple to evaluate their relationship, and try to find it in their hearts reasons to stay together. A decision for separation shouldn’t come about easily. Before any thoughts of divorce, one should ask: “Have I truly tried all possible resolutions?”
Evaluate your needs, your weaknesses, and contemplate on the consequences of such a decision. Try to remember your spouse’s good properties. Have patient, and try to find forgiveness in your heart for your spouse’s shortcomings. Communicate with your partner about your feelings, fears and needs. You can even contact Imam Ali Islamic Center for impartial consultation on how you can save your marriage. This consultation is offered by a qualified scholar. You can even book an appointment for face-to-face consultation at the center.
Concerning separation, God swt says in the holy Quran: “…then [let there be] either an honourable retention, or a kindly release. …” [2:229] God swt has made divorce a permissible way, when there is no other way. No one should remain in a position of pain and suffering. Therefore, to divorce and separate respectfully in a peaceful manner is a possible method to avoid a chronic pain and suffering, if dictated by an unhealthy relationship.
Different types of divorces within Islamic jurisprudence
Below is a brief description of the most common types of divorce procedures in Islamic jurisprudence. To enquire for other less common types of divorce procedures, please contact us.
Talaq Raji (Reversible divorce): When divorce procure is finalised, a period of the so called “Iddah” starts for the female divorcee. “Iddah” lasts three menstrual cycles. During “Iddah” the divorced couple have the ability to re-unite as a married couple. This is the most common type of divorce and it is recommended by Imam Ali Islamic Center. The processing time for Talaq Raji is around 4-6 months.
Talaq Ba’in: Contrary to Talaq Raji, Talaq Ba’in is irreversible. One condition required for this divorce type is that the wife has to cede her right to the dowry to her husband. This type of divorce is very rare and requires very strong grounds for justification. The processing time for Talaq Ba’in is around 7-8 months.
Talaq Mobarat: This type of divorce is specifically designed to preserve the rights of the wife, as it can only be requested by her. However, for this type of divorce the wife needs to return certain properties and money that was given to her by her husband. The processing time for Talaq Mobarat is up to 8 months.
Practical aspects
Required forms and documents prior to your appointment:


For any further queries, you are welcome to contact us.
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